
I have been formally working in the mental health field for the past 10 years. In my 20’s I spent 3 years overseas attending the University of Durham, England. I studied and got my Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology./Social Policy. I found Britain’s social welfare system fascinating and it was there that I began to understand the struggles of generational poverty. Being an American in British culture, helped me realize that even though we speak the same language, there is a lot “lost in translation.” I learned a lot about myself and the opportunity to travel around Europe was such a fantastic experience.

After raising my children, I became involved with a non-profit who helped promote the high school graduation rate of Aging-Out Foster Youth. I worked with their social workers, learning about all the barriers they faced to find support with college applications, tutoring and basic needs. I decided to apply to graduate school and chose a Master in Social Work (MSW) at California State University Bakersfield. I put my whole heart into learning everything I could. I took extra classes, wrote a thesis on the very subject that got me interested in this field: High School Graduation of Foster Youth. I also was a part of a select group that researched and wrote a grant for special funding for public mental health (Proposition 63 ). It is still very exciting to see those programs we developed in place today.

I was drawn to social work degree because of the breadth of knowledge that it gave me. I have been trained to understand systems and how cultures, generations and ideologies influence how we see the world. I have worked in a broad base of fields. I started off working for Child Protection, investigating and conducting Forensic Interviews for children who had been sexually abused. I helped develop a 12 week Substance Abuse Treatment program called “Celebrating Families” where we treated the whole family at the same time.

Gaining Expertise through My Journey


I completed my Liscensure by working for a Hospice assisting families with both practical and emotional needs when they had family members with terminal illnesses.

I developed a children’s grief program called “Heart Art” where children who had lost parents came for a week-long grief camp. There we worked together to show that they were not alone in their grief and found coping strategies to walk through their grief and anxieties.


As an expert in grief and loss, I find that clients feel afraid and alone with their loss. It can be when someone dies, but grief and loss can be other unexpected life events such as divorce, affairs, chronic illnesses, miscarriages and bankruptcies.

Helping people understand that there is a “new normal” and light at the end of a very dark tunnel has been powerful. Finding the words to name the emotions that they are experiencing helps them identify strategies to cope with the day to day grind of grief. I am especially passionate about helping parents understand that children grieve differently than adults. Sometimes children are the “forgotten grievers” and they are overlooked because they appear to be doing “fine.”


I volunteered for the local Alliance Against Family Violence where I did individual counseling and group work with victims of Domestic Violence and sexual abuse. I learned how to work with clients exposed to trauma. When people are hurting and numb from this kind of pain, I work very slowly, at their pace helping them find their hope and equilibrium again. Sometimes, they borrow my hope for their situation as they are finding theirs. I use a variety of mediums, books, art and music to encourage the healing process.

Meditation and visualizations are another conduit for healing that I use. Helping people find their “safe, calm place” using their own imaginations, experiences is very powerful. I teach clients that they can relax and feel safe wherever they are and this tool can assist clients when they need it the most.


After taking a management position at a local hospital, I became an expert in local resources, crisis interventions. Within a few months, I totally revamped a very dysfunctional department and was awarded the Employee of the Month and award that is rare working with over 1400 hospital employees. Working in the medical field, I learned the very close connection that mental health has with chronic illnesses and disease. It confirmed that our work with emotions and feelings is a very important piece of a balanced life.

It was working with the NICU families that I became drawn to working with mom’s of newborns and helping support those whose birthing experience was not “as planned.” Unfortunately, I became experienced with working with parents who had to grieve their children. Instead of going home with a newborn, they had to leave the hospital with empty arms and hearts. We worked to get information and support to these women and their families.


I can help your employees understand how self-care and good mental health makes them more productive and makes the work environment less stressful. I can provide trainings to managers about mental health and resources in the community.


I have always been fascinated with how the community can work together. I have been a part of several important community networks. I served on the Safe Surrender Baby coalition which educations the community on the Laws surrounding the safe release of babies for women in crisis.

I have been a part of the committee that established the Family Justice Center that is opening late 2017. This is an important collaborative that will establish a “one stop shop” for victims of domestic violence, and sexual abuse. I am still a part of the Domestic Violence Advisory Counsel.

Helping victims of Human Trafficking and being a part of this committee has been very important as well. In my community clinic work, I have come across victims of human trafficking and it has been very valuable to know the resources for this type of complex trauma.


I am a therapist with a Christian orientation. I utilize my faith as it supports me to do this work. When my clients are open and have a faith as well, I glean upon the common ground of having the support that is spiritual. I also believe that we can see God in nature, and it is not limited to the 4 walls of a church or an organized religion. I find that faith communities are a resource and for some, the very lifeline they need to heal from their hurts and pain.